Terms of Condition & Use(ToC&U)


Brigho is an app that serves as a safe intermediary between a person who is willing to sell (“Seller”) and another person who is willing to buy (“Buyer”) a product, item or service (“Item”). This service we render is carried out using our Brigho app which is freely available for download from Google Play Store


The Brigho app is owned by Brigho and HadRelTah ltd (“Brigho”) which is a financial intermediary company registered with registration number RC1760904 under Nigerian Law with the Corporate Affairs Commission. We can sue and be sued in cases of breach of contracts between us and our clients. We play the role of an intermediary in a distribution or transaction chain, and we facilitate interaction between the parties to the transaction. We specialize in performing crucial activities involved in the purchase and sale of Item(s) in their flow from producers to the ultimate buyers.


We are not a haulage company and do not handle Item(s) on behalf of either the Buyer or the Seller.
These Terms of Conditions and Use (“ToC&U”) sets out the terms of your relationship with us. It is important you read and understand the ToC&U before using this service. By using and accessing this service, you agree to and accept them in their entirety.


These ToC&U make up the entire agreement between you and Brigho. regarding your use of our service. They supersede any prior agreements.


If you delete or we disable your account, these ToC&U shall terminate as an agreement between you and us, but the following provisions.



Our Services

Brigho provides a safe intermediary between a Seller and a Buyer who have agreed a price between themselves for the exchange of an Item(s) as well as the manner in which the Item(s) shall be delivered and collected by the Buyer. The total agreed amount for the transaction is paid to Brigho through the Brigho app by the Buyer, safely warehoused by Brigho, and released to the Seller (or Buyer) only after confirmation of satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) from either or both the Seller and the Buyer.




  • Anyone who is willing to sell and/or send an Item(s) to a Buyer and owns a Bank account domiciled in any Nigerian commercial bank.
  • Anyone who is willing to buy and/or receive an Item(s) from a Seller and owns a Bank account domiciled in any Nigerian commercial bank.
  • Anyone who is 18 years and above.



Prior Agreement(s) between Seller(s) and Buyer(s)

Prior to using our services, there must be some prior agreement between the Seller(s) and Buyer(s) which shall include at a minimum:
  • A description of the Item(s) the Seller is willing to sell, in as much detail as possible.
  • The price of the Item(s) the Seller is willing to sell and which the Buyer is equally willing to buy.
  • The cost of delivery of the Item(s).
  • The agreement that the Buyer will pay the 2.5% of the price of the Item(s) as commission to Brigho.
  • The collection point where the Buyer shall collect the Item(s) sent by the Seller.



Obligations between Seller(s) and Buyer(s)

  • The Seller(s) has an obligation to input correct details into the Brigho app as agreed with the Buyer. The Buyer has the obligation to ensure that the details inputted into the Brigho app by the Seller is accurate based on agreements between both parties.
  • The Buyer also has an obligation to verify the physical Item(s) at the agreed point of Item(s) pick up. S/he also has an obligation to ensure that the transaction is completed and marked as “COLLECTED” on the Brigho app.
  • The Seller has an obligation to ensure that his logistic representative releases the Item(s) only when the Buyer has completed the transaction on the Brigho app. The Seller can also follow the status of the transaction using his Brigho app and ensuring that the Transaction is marked completed on his app before releasing the Item(s) to the Buyer.
  • The Seller agrees that the Buyer has the right to decline or cancel the transaction if the Item(s) is substantially different from the description or does not meet S/his expectations.
  •  In cases the Buyer is unhappy with the transaction/Item(s) and desires to return it to the Seller, s/he accepts to pay 50% of total cost of returning the Item(s) to the Seller if applicable and along with all other mandatory deductions (Also see our Refund and Return Policy ).



Financial Breach of Contract Between the Seller and the Buyer

  • If the Buyer decides not to complete the transaction on receipt of the Item(s), the warehoused funds are returned to the Buyer less the delivery cost and our commission.
  • In the event that upon sending the Item(s), the Seller decides S/he no longer wants to consummate the transaction (for whatever reason) after or before the Item(s) has been sent but before the Buyer has picked the Item(s), the total sum of money paid to Brigho by the Buyer for the purchase of the Item(s) shall be returned to the Buyer without any deductions.
  • Should the Buyer decide S/he no longer wants to consummate the transaction (for whatever reason), the total sum of money paid to Brigho by the Buyer for the purchase of the Item(s) shall be returned to the Buyer less the full amount of the initial cost of delivery, an additional charge of 50% of the initial cost of delivery and the 2.5% Brigho commission.
  •  In the event the Buyer is not willing to consummate the transaction upon receipt of the Item(s), the total cost of initial delivery (agreed between the Seller and the Buyer) shall be sent to the Seller. Additionally, an extra fee of 50% of the total initial cost of delivery shall be deducted from the Buyers funds with Brigho and paid to the Seller. Also see our Refund and Return Policy ).



Prohibited Item(s)

It is strictly prohibited to sell or buy any Item(s) that:
  • Is illegal under Nigerian Law, obscene, offensive or discriminatory.
  • Considered or categorized as weapons such as arms and ammunitions, and other dangerous equipment and substances
  • Infringes personal rights.



Disclaimer and Limitations of Liability

Brigho is not liable for any Item(s) sent or purchased between the Seller and the Buyer. This is because Brigho does not inspect Item(s) or engage in delivery of them. Brigho is not a haulage company and are not registered or licensed carry out such functions. Liability for all Item(s) is entirely on the Buyer and the Seller.


Brigho is liable only for the amount paid to us by the Buyer.


Buyers are advised to be completely satisfied with Item(s) received from Sellers before completing the transaction via the Brigho app. Brigho will not refund or pay for Item(s) under any circumstance. Brigho will also not replace or provide any Item(s) under any circumstances to either the Buyer or the Seller.



Privacy & Security

Brigho will not disclose the name, details, or information of users to anyone. However, as a registered company, should there be need for an investigation on any of our users such details may be released to appropriate Law Enforcement Agencies carrying out any of such investigations in accordance with relevant laws.


Brigho assures that our clients’ money is kept safe and will be remitted to the relevant party upon receiving the necessary notification from either or both parties.




Brigho and HadRelTah, owners of Brigho App, is a registered company under Nigeria Law which can sue and can be sued. To this end, Brigho shall not take responsibility for losses in the following situations:


  • Where the Buyer does not verify the Delivery Number using the Brigho app to complete a transaction. It is the responsibility of the Seller and Buyer to ensure that the Buyer verifies the Delivery Number and clicks on the “Satisfied. Collect the Item(s) and pay Seller” button or the “Not Satisfied. Return Item(s) and refund me” button on the app before releasing the Item(s) to the Buyer or returning the Item(s) to the Sellers agent.
  • Where Item(s) are released to the Buyer without the delivery number being confirmed and the transaction being marked as complete.
  • Where a user discloses their password to a third party. Users are expected to secure their Brigho accounts by ensuring that they do not disclose their passwords to anyone. Although, Brigho being a responsible organization will ensure it deploys all international technologies and standards in securing your accounts, we will not be liable in cases of account hacking caused by the negligence of a client.
  • Users are expected to secure their Brigho accounts by ensuring they keep their passwords to themselves only. Although, Brigho being a responsible organization will ensure it deploys all international technologies and standards in securing user accounts, however, we will not be liable in cases of account hacking or revealing of passwords by our users.
  • We do not control or direct what people do or say, and we are not responsible for their actions or manner in which they conduct themselves and their transactions. We therefore advise that appropriate communication channels are established between the Buyer and the Seller before embarking on any transaction.



Updating our Terms of Condition and Use

We are always looking to improve our services by upgrading our systems and features to ensure our users have a splendid and smooth experience in carrying out their transactions.


Therefore, we may need to update these Terms often to accurately reflect our services and practices as well as to protect our Users and define liabilities. We will only make any changes if the provisions are no longer appropriate or if they are incomplete, and only if the changes are reasonable and take due account of your interests. We will notify you upon every update of our ToC&U through the Brigho app at least 10 days before they go into effect, unless changes are required by law. Once any updated ToC&U are in effect, you will be bound by them if you continue to use our app.



Account Suspension or Termination

Brigho ensures that all transactions are done in sincere honesty, and dignity and without loss of funds to either the Seller or the Buyer.


If we determine you have clearly, seriously or repeatedly breached our ToC&U, we may suspend or permanently disable access to your account. In such cases, we may further report such User(s) to the Law Enforcement Agencies for appropriate actions. Whenever we take such action(s) we will let you know and explain any options you have to request a review, unless doing so may expose us or others to legal liability.



Termination of Transaction

Brigho holds the right to terminate any contract should we ascertain any deceit or fraudulent intention(s) and/or transaction(s) from a user of the Brigho app. In such cases, Brigho shall terminate the identified user’s account as well as report such incidents to the appropriate law authorities.


Brigho shall also terminate any contract in which the Buyer is unable to make payment for the agreed item(s) within a week of initiation of the transaction by the Seller. In such instances, Brigho shall give prior termination notifications to both the Buyer and the Seller.


Brigho also holds the right to terminate any transaction at any stage for reasons other than those stated above, that would not be in the interest of the company, the Seller and the Buyer. In such instances, monies paid to Brigho for the transaction shall be refunded to the originating bank account and all parties involved shall be duly notified.



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