Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our page on frequently questions often asked by Sellers and Buyers using our brigho app. Here you would find answers to most of your question. If you have further questions to ask, kindly visit our contact page. You would also find relevant information on our various pages. Remember we are here to give comfort and make sure your purchases are carried out safely.

What is Brigho

Brigho is a financial intermediary app that is owned by Brigho and HadRelTah Limited (B&H). B&H is a registered company under Nigeria Law with the Corporate Affairs Commission with registration number RC1760904. Among other things, we are licensed to carry out the functions of a financial intermediary between a Seller and a Buyer who have agreed between/among themselves to carry out a business transaction. Being licensed enables us to be sued by our clients in cases of breach of contracts between us and our clients. We therefore do not take lightly transactions we enter via our Brigho app.


We function as a middleman between a Buyer(s) and Seller(s). Brigho plays the role of an intermediary in a distribution or transaction chain, and we facilitate interaction between the involved parties. We specialize in performing crucial activities involved in the purchase and sale of item(s) in their flow from producers to the ultimate buyers. In pursuance of our Memorandum of Association (MoA), we own and operate the Brigho app which facilitates the achievements with our MoA.


We are neither a financial/commercial Bank nor a haulage company and under no circumstances do we handle/ship/transport items on behalf of any Buyer or Seller. We also do not render banking services of any sort as we are not registered to conduct such services under the Nigerian Laws.

What if I do not like the Item(s) the Seller sent to me

As a Buyer, it might be expected to once in a while receive item(s) that you are not comfortable with because they do not meet the standard you were expecting. To this Brigho has no control over the quality of item(s) that Sellers send. It is expected that upon receiving the item(s), you inspect them and if they do not meet your standard, you simply return the item(s) by declining the transaction via our Brigho app.


Once you do this, Brigho will refund you the total cost of the agreed price of the item(s) less our Commission and the cost of transportation/Shipping or sending item(s).


For the Seller, as Brigho is not a logistic company, it is expected that your shipping/transportation agent ensures that the Buyer returns the item(s) in the best acceptable way without damage to your item(s). Kindly note that Brigho will not take liability for any damaged and/or returned item(s).

What if I enter a wrong Bank account detail

Brigho will always ensure that the Bank account name and number details are correct before crediting any account. However, in cases where there is an error(s) in these details, Brigho will contact the Buyer or Seller to provide appropriate and accurate details.


The Seller would then use the in-app "Settlement and Complaints" option to get the correct details to Brigho which would include the Name of the Bank, the account number, Transaction Number, transaction amount, description of the item and date of entering the transaction unto our system. Please note the name of the Bank Account must be the same as in the initial transaction.


Only after this would Brigho send monies to any account.

What happens if the Buyer collects the item(s) without entering the Delivery Number

Unfortunately, Brigho has no control over the process of Delivery and will only release money to the Seller when the Buyer has confirmed/activated the Delivery Number. It is the sole responsibility of the Buyer and Seller to ensure the Delivery Number is verified on the Brigho app. More specifically, it is expected that the Seller ensures he receives a confirmation from Brigho as regards the use of the Delivery Number before releasing the item(s) to the Buyer. We expect the Seller to ensure this is done before the logistic personnel releases the item(s) to the Buyer.

What happens if the Buyer does not like the item(s) and decides to cancel the transaction

We would not encourage anyone to pay for an item(s) he or she is not satisfied with. Hence, if dissatisfied with an item(s) being purchased, kindly decline the transaction via the Brigho app, and leave the item(s) with the Seller’s agent/logistic personnel. Brigho will then ensure you get refunded into your indicated Bank account less the cost of the initial Delivery/Shipping/Transportation, an additional 50% of the cost of Delivery/Shipping/Transportation which both go to the Seller and our commission on that transaction. Kindly note that on such occasion as a dissatisfied item(s) which you do not want, ensure you do not use the accept the transaction via the app. If you do this, based on our ToC&U, we will be forced to make full payment to the Seller for the transaction.


The Seller who also pays 50% of the cost of Delivery/Shipping/Transportation, adds the 50% of the Delivery/Shipping/Transportation paid by the Seller and then makes payment to the logistic company to return to item(s) back to him.

Why do I have to pay an extra 50% of the cost of Delivery / Shipping /Transportation in addition to my initial payment for Delivery/Shipping/Transportation

The initial payment for Delivery is a refund to the Seller for him sending the item(s) to you. Remember, The Seller uses his own funds to cater for this initial expense. However, in case you want to return the item(s), the cost of returning the item(s) is being shared 50-50 between the buyer and the seller. Thus, we try to discourage the Seller from sending sub-standard item(s) to the Seller and ensuring the Seller receives the best possible item(s) thus the issue of a refund is very unlikely.

Does Brigho take part payment or installment payment

Unfortunately, Brigho does not deal with part payment for item(s). However, should a Buyer and Seller agree to a part payment arrangement, Brigho will only process the agreed amount of money sent to us by the Buyer and agreed to by the Seller.

Where will I go to pick up my item(s) after payment to Brigho has been made

Brigho is not a logistic company and is not allowed under Nigerian Law to carry out delivery services. Thus, it is expected that the Seller and Buyer would have agreed on their means of shipping/delivery/transportation as well as their point of collection before payment is made via the Brigho App.

What if I have paid for the item(s), collected them and decide I do not want the item(s) after leaving the collection point?

Kindly note that once payment has been made to the Seller for an item(s), Brigho no longer has control over the transaction as it is now classified a completed transaction. To this end, you must be certain you want the item(s) before verifying the delivery number (on the Brigho App) and picking up the item(s) from the Seller’s agent. If you do not like the item(s) at point of collection, you must cancel or decline the transaction without picking them up. The moment you verify the delivery number, we are compelled by our ToC&U to make payment to the Seller irrespective of what transpires afterwards.

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